The Red Dress ...

I always saw, I always said
If I were grown and free,
I’d have a gown of reddest red
As fine as you could see,

To wear out walking, sleek and slow,
Upon a summer day,
And there’d be one to see me so
And flip the world away,

And he would be a gallant one,
With stars behind his eyes,
And hair like metal in the sun,
And lips too warm for lies.

I always saw us, gay and good,
High honored in the town,
Now I am grown to womanhood...

I have the silly gown.

(Dorothy Parker)
Grau - 2006-09-01 09:10

So it's no more empty promises
and no more idle threats;
no more "if only"s
and no more "and yet"s;
no more wishes for the future,
no more denials of the past:
I'm free at last,
I'm in love at last.
I'm lost and found....

(Put on your red dress, baby.
'Cause we're going out tonight,
put on your high-heeled sneakers,
Everything's going to be alright?)

Peter Hammill, "Lost & Found"

sorry, could not withstand... :-)

Desideria - 2006-09-01 10:04

At least this silly dress is worth for something ...

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